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πŸ’» Chat Moderator Job from Home Explained – Interesting Fact from Daily Life

What is chat moderator job from home? In this video I explain what chat moderator job means and what you can expect from this kind of work.

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#chat #ChatModerator #moderator

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Music License:
Audio Hero, Out and About Again, 104 Easy Listening, Reclaiming Personal Power and Joy, Filename: 17-Out-and-About-Again-FULL-SM460, Album: Drifting Through Life, Artist:Grenga, Stevens, Publisher: S.I. Publishing (SOCAN)



  1. Welcome to my YouTube channel The Success Now! Let me know what topics interest you and what videos would you like to see here. Please Subscribe.

  2. If the online job is easy to apply to then expect this line of work.

  3. Thank you for sharing your message..I saw that everytime when im a site : fb, Instagram, badoo etc..I wonder what chat moderen is..Thank god I find you on youtube and explaining what that is.. Thats not nice playing somebody else feelings . Im stay away from chat moderating..

  4. So sad, I just finished applying before seeing this video

  5. I knew it, fuckin Badoo and Tinder fascist Pigs😑 Fortunately i did not paid anything but lost my time with dating apps. In this world any business are against morality.

  6. Are you saying this from experience with cloudworkers?

  7. Can you do the chat moderator gig all on your phone?

  8. Sure…. I always dreamed to become a porno chat Moderator pretending to be a woman and meeting all sort of super interesting people around this world… Ahahhaha

  9. Thank you that is so cruel I'm glad I didn't apply

  10. Well this is the perfect revenge to all the men who have rejected me and objectified me! 🀣 evil laugh
    Kidding aside, it's interesting. It's like putting on a different face & pretending to be someone else while getting paid to do it, sounds fun! But at the same time, it's mean and evil if the person you're chatting with is genuinely looking for a connection… I might withdraw my Cloudworker application then. 😬

  11. How much is the pay in American dollars

  12. This makes no sense. So there’s a profile and we are chatting as them so how does the man really get to know the real person who posted the profile?

  13. That's not good! It is like scamming people or playing with people feelings.

  14. note to self…search youtube for what i'm actually applying for BEFORE applying. lordie. now i'm embarrassed i applied. ugh. thanks for video though. ha.

  15. Soo it's catfishing as a full-time job?

  16. I did not accept the job offer when I discovered it is scamming people lol, i wonder how does these websites run legally?

  17. Thank you so much for your video.. I thought the application seemed weird but I figured maybe they got people outside of the boundaries and wanted to know how I would handle it.. that is so messed up.

  18. Thanks for this video, I had applied to Cloudworkers thinking it was some sort of chat support for a specific service but when I got the job offer email from them, it outlined that it would include 'adult content/explicit language' that I need to be 'comfortable' with and I was NOT comfortable at all reading that. As you explained, this whole business of deception may be harmless fun to others but morally, it is wrong. I have nothing against those who are not able to find work and is looking to resort to this as a means to an end but just a reminder, these are real human beings with real emotions that you will be chatting with. So no thank you to Cloudworkers, I will be withdrawing my application and going back to the traditional job-search, as mundane as it might be, at least my conscience will be clear.

  19. Thank you for the advice. I just sent an application on Cloudworkers but I believe the right way is to it from the very beginning. So, I'll request them to delete my application.

  20. Thanks. They have a current recruitment campaign on Facebook

  21. glad i seen this. I almost applied on Cloudworker

  22. Thanks. music is distracting btw

  23. Thanks for the heads up! Now I know and understand what it entails

  24. Client knows it's a fantasy but ignore it because of the picture of the women they think are beautiful to them.Middle age men lonely in their home and wants to chat to the women so they will have conversation and not bored in their home.Thats why they are paying.In return they are helping many girls earning an income especially now it is still pandemic.Many losses their job and company have to shut down

  25. What in the hell….

    I've been a moderator of a few big facebook groups and one subreddit of about half a million people and overall enjoy helping out and making sure people follow the rules, but also that things are done fairly and no wrongful bans are done etc. so I was actually really interested in a "chat moderator" job offer I saw.

    Especially since I have social anxiety and have struggled with it for a decade now and haven't been able to get a job outside, a home working job would be perfect… But now I understand why this chat moderator job doesn't detail at all what the work would actually be.

    This'd be straight up depressing, to give lonely people false hopes! This world is so fucked these days πŸ™

  26. Ok that was close. I saw an advertisement at Facebook and almost fell for it.

    But I must make sure that I am not selling my soul to the devil.

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